Monday, October 25, 2010


I am looking forward to watching the movie To Kill a Mockingbird. We are almost done reading To Kill a Mockingbird. It's a good book but I am looking forward to it being over. I went to my new lake house this weekend with my family. We played games and had a bonfire while we were there with my sister and her husband. When I got home I hung out with Drew and played video games. We made buffalo chicken pizza and just hung out with my sister Kelsey. Overall it was a pretty good weekend.


  1. Whats up, the movie was alright. We just had that test today and tell me how hard that was. Essay worth 40 points not coooool. You were tellin me about that lake house, how is it? Also, thats cool that you hung out with Kelsey and Drew. Buffalo chicken pizza is the best! ha sounds like you weekend was a good time. I can't believe I actually just did this response in time but yeah, peace dude see you Monday at lunch.

  2. The book was actually pretty good, but the movie was kinda dry and boring.
