Sunday, October 10, 2010


Another post, ok so the research paper is done with and we have started to read the book To Kill a Mockingbird. So far it seems like a good book but have not gotten that far into it yet. This week coming up is only a three day week so im excited about that and im pretty sure we have early release on one of the days. I had a pretty good weekend although i did not go to homecoming. I've never gone to a homecoming and i dont really intend on it as i dont really enjoy dancing or that type of thing. My weekend consisted of sleeping in and sitting on the couch watching football. So it was really relaxing and i finally got some much needed sleep. Im ready for this week of school cause its going to be a quick one. 

1 comment:

  1. Quit crying, little cry baby. Just messin dude haha. Like the post it's pretty interesting. You should for real go to a homecoming, they're fun. Dude im with you on the 3 day week comin up, I can't wait like I hate school so much. This book is alright, my friend Richard spoiled it already for me. Keep up the good posts, doin your homework and watchin football. The life man. Peace, see you at lunch mane.
