Monday, May 16, 2011


I had another typical weekend. I did the same as I always do, work and chill with friends. On friday I started at five and i actually got off early for once so i went over to drews house and chilled with him richard and alex before i had to go home. On saturday I chilled with drew until i had to go to work at five. We were pretty busy on saturday so that went by pretty fast and then I had drew and alex stay at my house afterwords. It was pretty fun and then sunday morning I took them home before going to reynoldsburg to hangout with my cousin. We got food and stuff like we always do. I just recently got netflix and it is pretty cool. I watch atleast a couple of movies everyday but i have a feeling it will get old cause they dont get new movies on the instant watch that frequently.

Monday, May 9, 2011


This weekend was pretty boringfor mebut iwas busy most of the time. On friday night I had work and then I had to wake up early formy moms graduation. She got her masters degree from ohio dominican university. The graduation was so boring. People talked foreverandthen they read of all the names and it took like three hours. After that we wentto cap city and I gotthe romano chicken which is delicious. After that I had work again and then I hung out with my cousin when I got off. We are finally done reading the play julius caesar. I really like it because of all of the action and drama.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


So we just had a three day weekend and that was pretty nice. I mainly just worked and chilled with friends on friday and saturday. Today is easter and we had my family over. It was alright there was some pretty good food there and I got to see some of my family that I dont see that often. In class we have been reading Julius Caesar. I like the plot and I think Shakespeare is a really good writer but its kind of hard for me to follow along when I dont know all the different people cause there names are so confusing.

Monday, April 18, 2011



I had a really fun weekend. On friday I worked until five and then went over to my friend Drews house and chilled with him and alex. On saturday I played basketball all day with Drew and then that night I chilled with Alex Drew Jon and Jons brother Josiah who just got back from boarding school in new york. It was really cool to see him cause we used to chill with him everyday. Sunday was more of the same. I played alot of basketball and just kicked it with some people. I went over to my friend alex's sister's house and we chilled over there for a couple of hours. I also noticed that I should stop spending so much money on fast food.

Sunday, April 10, 2011



I had a really good weekend. On friday I had work from five until nine. After I got off I drove to reynoldsburg to pick up my cousin Tommy. We went and got food and chilled for the rest of the night. On Saturday I woke up and chilled for a while until I had work. Then I worked until ten. After work I went out and chilled with my friends Drew Jon and Alex. We chilled for a while over at Drews house before they came and stayed the night at my house. My sister had some friends over to and we all chilled together. It was so nice out on Sunday. I mainly just chilled with Drew Alex and Tommy all day. We were chilling at Drews most of the day and we played some basketball there. Later during the day Tommy and Alex came over and I played Alex in 2k11. He used the Nuggets and I used the Suns. It was a close during the whole game and I ended up missing a buzzer beater to win the game.

Friday, March 25, 2011


Dear Reader,

I will be sharing about a book that I have recently read. The title of the book is Ten Mile River. The basic plot of this book is based around two teenage boys name Ray and Jose. These two guys live on their own and face a number of conflicts throughout this story. The theme that I took from this book is friendship. Ray and Jose are a perfect example of this theme. They have been best friends since they were in an orphanage together and eventually ran away together. It seems like they know each other just as well as they know themselves. They would do anything for each other and they can also trust the other with their life. I chose this theme because I was amazed to see how great a friendship can be.

"A Friend may well be reckoned the masterpiece of Nature."

Ray was a great man, and I am proud to say that he was my best friend. Growing up I was the only one he had and he was the only one I had. We did everything together. We were family. Sure we may have gotten into some trouble together but that didn’t split us up. Even when juvie tried to split us up they had no chance. I remember the day I got out of juvie. I escaped from my foster family that night and went to Ray and I’s clubhouse. There I found that Ray had done the exact same thing. We were inseparable. I am very fortunate to have had Ray in my life.

"A friend is one who believes in you when you have ceased to believe in yourself."

Ten ways to know if you have a true friend
·        Someone who neither looks down on you nor keeps up with you
·        Someone who speaks to you after others don’t
·        Someone who deals with others faults as gently as if they were their own
·        Someone who can step on your toes without messing up your shine
·        Someone who will lend a helping hand
·        Someone who lets you forget it after you mad a fool of yourself
·        Someone who listens attentively while you say nothing
·        Someone who thinks you’re a good egg even though you’re slightly cracked
·        Someone who accepts your good as well as your bad qualities
·        Someone who makes you happy

"The better part of one's life consists of his friendships."

Dear Jose
            Thank you for being my friend. You have been there for me my whole life. I can tell you anything no matter how embarrassing it may be. You know me better than I know myself. I am so grateful to have you as my friend. My life has benefited greatly because of you. You toughened me up and made me the man I am today.
"Friends are God's way of taking care of us."

          The first genre I chose was a Eulogy. In this Jose shares about his friendship with Ray. He includes some of his good memories with Ray. I chose this because I know how much emotion goes into these speeches. This amount of emotion is similar to the emotion that goes into friendship. Using a eulogy was an easy way to accurately portray how Jose felt for his friend Ray. The next genre I chose was the ten ways to know if… This is basically just giving examples of how someone is a good friend. It shows how a good friend would treat you in a given situation and also how they make you feel. I chose this genre because it goes very well with the theme friendship. It was easy to identify ways to know if someone is your friend. Another genre I did was the thank you note. This was a random note written from Ray to Jose about their friendship. The note says how Ray is thankful for Jose being his friend and how he has always been there for him. Finally, the last genre I did was a collage. The collage contains pictures of people with their friends. Also it has a couple quotes about friendship. This was important because it gives a visual representation of friendship. This project improved my understanding of the theme friendship. The different kind of genres helped give a clear picture of this theme. It was tough for me to put myself in someone else’s shoes and write a letter from their perspective, but it helped me know more about friendship.  

Sunday, February 27, 2011

classroom murder

     Josh and Alex were just two ordinary teenagers. They liked to play xbox but they did not really care for their english teacher. Mr. Potter was thier english teacher. He gave out crazy assignments like blogs, reading books and reading short stories. Josh and Alex hated doing these things but especially Alex. Alex usually just blew off assignments when he didnt feel like doing them. He really wanted to get back at Mr. Potter because his grade in english brought his grade point average down. Al always thought about that but never really pulled through on anything.

     Talking over xbox live on a Saturday night Al said " Dude Mr. Potter is so annoying I hate the stupid assignments he gives us. We should pull a prank on him to get him back for making us do all this stupid stuff." "Yeah that would be awesome but what would we do to him", replied Josh. They both thought about it for a while but they were stumped and couldnt come up with any cool pranks to do. Later that night Josh said " we cant really do anything to crazy because we will get suspended or something." " Yeah I know it sucks, we should just lock him outside of the room or something" said Alex. " Okay that we be pretty funny, lets do it this friday" said Josh.

     As the days went by Alex arrived late to english almost every day that week. This was normal for him and it made Mr. Potter very aggrivated. Finally it was Friday and Josh and Alex were ready to pull their prank on Mr. Potter. There plan was for Al to leave the door open when he came in because he was always the last one in the room. Then Mr Potter would have to get up and go close the door. When he was in the hallway closing the door Alex would pull the door shut and lock it. Next Josh would wedge the door shut with a chair just in case he had a key on him. Josh arrived a few minutes early to class and anxiously waited for Alex. Alex slowly strolled in the room and his excuse for being late was that he was putting his contacts in. He made sure to leave the door wide open so Mr. Potter would have no trouble noticing it. Mr. Potter saw it but as he stood up to go close the door the lights suddenly shut off. They then flickered and came back on. Everyone seemed confused and then a couple students screamed. Alex was on the ground with his neck twisted. He was dead.

     The whole class ran into the hallway as fast as they could. Everyone was shocked, scared and confused. The police showed up and started investigating the scene. Josh was very shaken up by this because Alex was one of his close friends. He started talking to another student in his class named Will. Will happened to be an aspiring detective. He was very interested in the murder that had just taken place. " It had to be Mr. Potter that did this. Hes the only one that had a motive to kill Alex. You know how mad he gets at him when he doesnt do his blogs and especially when hes late to class. And Alex was late to class everyday this week. I know it sounds crazy but maybe Mr. Potter is a physco or something " said Will to Josh. " Yeah I guess that makes sense but I dont know if Mr. Potter would actually do that" replied Josh.

     As it turns out Will was right. The police found Mr. Potters finger prints on Alex's neck. Apparently he was a physco and Alex had always gotten on his nerves. Then when he was late to class everyday this week it pushed him over the edge and he snapped. Josh watched as Mr. Potter was put into the cop car. Just before he was driven away he looked over at Josh with a crazy smile on his face.  


Monday, February 21, 2011



I love watching movies. It is one of my most favorite things to do. I like a variety of movies. Also I have a couple actors that I really like that can make a movie really good. Some of my favorite movies include goodfellas, Inception, Saving private ryan, Shutter Island and alot more that i cant remember. A good movie needs to be interesting. It needs to be exciting and you should be on the edge of your seat in suspense. Another part of what makes a movie good are the actors or actresses. My favorite actors are Leonardo dicaprio and Will Ferrel. Will Ferrel can make any movie hilarious just by the way he says it. I also like war movies alot. Something I hate about some movies is when they are really predictable.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


This weekend was pretty fun. On friday i went to my friend jacobs house and there was alot of people there. Alex was there to. It was Jacobs birthday and i thought it was funny how they put dog food in his cupcake and he liked it, and al like it too. On saturday i played video games most of the day and then went over to my cousin tommy's house. His sisters boyfriend was over so we chilled with him too. Today I went to Bob evans with my sister kelsey. Then we got her dog Murphy and took him for a walk at creekside and got him some more dog food. I like how my group was the only one that survived the moon crash landing. That was really funny cause everybody expected my group to be the first one dead.


Sunday, February 6, 2011


This week in school we have been looking at science fiction stories. They are pretty interesting to me because it is something new and it is out there. Hopefully we get to watch some movies this next week. Today im about to go over to my cousins house to watch the super bowl. I dont really care for the NFL that much but i absolutely hate the steelers. Mainly because steelers fans are the most annoying people in the world including my cousins family. So i will be pulling for the packers and hopefully they can come out with a win. I recently got NBA 2k 11 and i have been playing that alot lately it is reallly fun. Me and Al play each other. I like to use the Hawks and the Thunder.

Friday, January 28, 2011



Tis week in english we have been doing that grammer stuff with all of the commas, semicolons, and colons. Although it is very boring it is also pretty easy but  still i didnt do that great on the quiz today. Im curious to see what we will be doing next in english. I dont understand why we have to put all of these things in our writing though, you would still be able to understand what someone is saying without all of the fancy commas and such. Im exited to watch the next Ohio State game. I think they play Northwestern tomorrow. They are so good this year and i would say they have a good chance to go far in march madness. Also they have a good chance of finishing the season undefeated. The last team to do that was the Indiana Hoosiers in the seventies i think. Well im going to cut this just a little short so it can be on time.