Sunday, September 12, 2010

english class

After this week in english i realized that i enjoy fiction over non-fiction. In a fiction piece of writing anything can happen where as non-fiction is what really happened. But non-fiction can be interesting to, for example the story we read in class where the lady would make up stories to entertain herself. On another topic, it took me a while to choose a topic for writing my persuasive essay. I ended up feeling the most strongly about banning cigarettes. I feel very strongly about this topic because cigarettes are extremely bad for you and kill people every day. They are also very expensive, and people that are addicted are using so much of there money on something that is killing them. 

1 comment:

  1. I like your post a lot Josh. I agree with you that fiction is better than non-fiction. The story was alright. I like your topic about banning cigarettes, i am strongly with you on that topic. My topic is School Uniforms and not wearing them. I think that you can write a good paper on this topic and i would be interested to read this paper. Have a good weekend, bye.
