Thursday, September 30, 2010

another response

response (really late)


Finally this research project is almost over, all i have to do is type up my final draft. It really wasnt too terrible but im glad it is almost over with. Hopefully i get a good grade on it because i keep forgetting to do these blogs and it is probably bringing my grade down. Also, i have not done any responses so i need to get on that after i finish up this blog. So far this school year Mr. Potter is one of my favorite teachers because he is usually a chill dude and just lets us do what we need to do. I like that he doesn't lecture at all which is a nice change from my other classes. In my research paper im not really sure that the court made the right decision because no one was ever caught for the murder.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


I really dont like doing this research paper at all. It is very boring and serves no purpose what so ever. Who cares about a court case that has already passed. I just see the whole thing as an incredible waste of time. Either researching for the paper or typing this right now is probably the most annoying thing i have had to do so far for school. But as Mr. Potter put it this is going to be over with in three weeks and i wont have to worry about it ever again. Hopefully i can pull together on this research paper and get a decent grade. That would be most good. 

Sunday, September 12, 2010

english class

After this week in english i realized that i enjoy fiction over non-fiction. In a fiction piece of writing anything can happen where as non-fiction is what really happened. But non-fiction can be interesting to, for example the story we read in class where the lady would make up stories to entertain herself. On another topic, it took me a while to choose a topic for writing my persuasive essay. I ended up feeling the most strongly about banning cigarettes. I feel very strongly about this topic because cigarettes are extremely bad for you and kill people every day. They are also very expensive, and people that are addicted are using so much of there money on something that is killing them.