Tuesday, December 14, 2010




I had a pretty good weekend. On Friday i went to my lake house with my parents. All i did was sit in my room and play video games but there is nothing else to do in the winter anyway. I hate cold weather, it puts me in a bad mood. On Saturday i went to my cousins for his mom's graduation party. It was pretty cool but i felt like i was babysitting the whole time cause there was a lot of little kids there. The food wasnt that great which was a huge dissapointment because that was the whole reason why i wanted to go. On saturday night i went to my friend Richards house and we chilled with a lot of cool people. That was a really fun night. On Sunday i didnt really do anything but sit around and be lazy but thats what Sundays are for anyways. Today in class Mr. Potter said that there is something cool going on for class tomorrow so thats cool.

Monday, December 6, 2010


My weekend was pretty fun but just another average weekend. In class we are talking about gay people and how they are mistreated. My group chose military to talk about but some of the other options were school and religion i think. In our story we read about two gay guys joined the military and after a while one of the guys confessed being gay. They were both discharged from the military. This makes no sense to me. Being gay or straight has nothing to do with the way you perform in the military. To me they are taking away human rights when they say you cant be in the military when you are gay. Its really not fair that those men were discharged from the military. The discussions in class are pretty interesting and make english more enjoyable we should have them more.